Winter’s last gasp…

The last sunset of winter-it is time for this frosty air to be gone!


It’s been a long one.  Tomorrow is the spring equinox.  I think the groundhog (Punxsutawney Phil, out east, or Jimmy here in Wisconsin) lied to us.  But, bygones.  It’s time to look ahead.

Maybe this spring brings us a new beginning.

So much ugliness has consumed our state for the last two years.  Maybe 2013 is the beginning of the recovery?  Is this the year the Singers will lift their voices?  Will we be able to taste a future?   One that is full of hope, not dread?


This past week the moon made her appearance in a very prominent way.  I loved the way she looked, and caught a pretty nice picture of her.  Moon number 3 of the year, it is the last Winter moon.  Moon 4 will bring the spring equinox.  005wm

A friend saw a flock of geese flying north.  Another friend saw a robin singing in the snow.  It is coming, the earth continues its path around the sun, and another year springs forth.